World - Optimum Tilt to Maximize Yearly Yield (OPTA) GIS Data, (Global Solar Atlas)

Developed by SOLARGIS and provided by the Global Solar Atlas (GSA), this data resource contains optimum tilt to maximize yearly yield in (°) covering the globe. Data is provided in a geographic spatial reference (EPSG:4326). The resolution (pixel size) of solar resource data (GHI, DIF, GTI, DNI) is 9 arcsec (nominally 250 m), PVOUT and TEMP 30 arcsec (nominally 1 km) and OPTA 2 arcmin (nominally 4 km). The data is hyperlinked under 'resources' with the following characteristics: OPTA LTAy_AvgDailyTotals (GeoTIFF) Data format: GEOTIFF File size : 2.08 MB There are two temporal representation of solar resource and PVOUT data available: • Longterm yearly/monthly average of daily totals (LTAym_AvgDailyTotals) • Longterm average of yearly/monthly totals (LTAym_YearlyMonthlyTotals) Both type of data are equivalent, you can select the summarization of your preference. The relation between datasets is described by simple equations: • LTAy_YearlyTotals = LTAy_DailyTotals * 365.25 • LTAy_MonthlyTotals = LTAy_DailyTotals * Number_of_Days_In_The_Month For individual country or regional data downloads please see: (use the drop-down menu to select country or region of interest) For data provided in AAIGrid please see: For more information and terms of use, please, read metadata, provided in PDF and XML format for each data layer in a download file. For other data formats, resolution or time aggregation, please, visit Solargis website. Data can be used for visualization, further processing, and geo-analysis in all mainstream GIS software with raster data processing capabilities (such as open source QGIS, commercial ESRI ArcGIS products and others).

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Maintainer None
Version None
Last Updated November 28, 2023, 04:54 (UTC)
Created May 6, 2020, 07:20 (UTC)
Topic Solar
Country Aruba; Afghanistan; Angola; Anguilla; Albania; Andorra; United Arab Emirates; Argentina; Armenia; American Samoa; Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Burundi; Belgium; Benin; Burkina Faso; Bangladesh; Bulgaria; Bahrain; Bahamas; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Belarus; Belize; Bermuda; Bolivia, Plurinational State of; Brazil; Barbados; Brunei Darussalam; Bhutan; Botswana; Central African Republic; Canada; Switzerland; Chile; China; Côte d'Ivoire; Cameroon; Congo, The Democratic Republic of the; Congo; Cook Islands; Colombia; Comoros; Cabo Verde; Costa Rica; Cuba; Curaçao; Cayman Islands; Cyprus; Czechia; Germany; Djibouti; Dominica; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Algeria; Ecuador; Egypt; Eritrea; Spain; Estonia; Ethiopia; Finland; Fiji; France; Faroe Islands; Micronesia, Federated States of; Gabon; United Kingdom; Georgia; Ghana; Gibraltar; Guinea; Gambia; Guinea-Bissau; Equatorial Guinea; Greece; Grenada; Greenland; Guatemala; Guam; Hong Kong; Honduras; Croatia; Haiti; Indonesia; Isle of Man; India; Ireland; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Jordan; Japan; Kyrgyzstan; Cambodia; Kiribati; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lebanon; Liberia; Libya; Saint Lucia; Liechtenstein; Sri Lanka; Lesotho; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Latvia; Macao; Morocco; Monaco; Moldova, Republic of; Madagascar; Maldives; Mexico; Marshall Islands; North Macedonia; Mali; Malta; Myanmar; Montenegro; Mongolia; Northern Mariana Islands; Mozambique; Mauritania; Montserrat; Martinique; Mauritius; Malawi; Malaysia; Namibia; New Caledonia; Niger; Nigeria; Nicaragua; Niue; Netherlands; Norway; Nepal; Nauru; New Zealand; Oman; Pakistan; Panama; Peru; Philippines; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Poland; Puerto Rico; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Portugal; Paraguay; Palestine, State of; French Polynesia; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Sudan; Senegal; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sierra Leone; El Salvador; San Marino; Somalia; Serbia; South Sudan; Sao Tome and Principe; Suriname; Slovakia; Slovenia; Sweden; Eswatini; Seychelles; Syrian Arab Republic; Turks and Caicos Islands; Chad; Togo; Thailand; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Tuvalu; Taiwan, Province of China; Tanzania, United Republic of; Uganda; Ukraine; Uruguay; United States; Uzbekistan; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of; Virgin Islands, British; Virgin Islands, U.S.; Viet Nam; Vanuatu; Samoa; Yemen; South Africa; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Published year 2020
Start date 2019